Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Light Tour

Every year my hometown releases a list of the brightest and most baroque light displays. It's usually a 2-3 hour drive filled with Christmas carols and hot chocolate. I love the light tour. Most people find it boring and tedious, but I really like boring and tedious activities when it involves loved ones (wait 'til I post about the annual Christmas drive to New York).

I've mentioned my inability to get into the "Christmas spirit" in previous posts and I was hoping that the light tour would be just the thing to get me in the mood for Christmas. Unfortunately, this year a family friend drove us around town and he drove quickly from one house to the next, barely slowing down in between. So this year's light tour took about 45 minutes and there was no hot chocolate.

Fair White mentioned to me that perhaps "Christmas is just tired this year". I did try.

Enjoy the pictures:

This is the garage to the house above. As you can see it's been converted into some sort of reindeer barn

This one is so lazy it's creative. It's two arrows, both pointing to the far superior light displays of the neighbors.

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